A Guide to Affiliate Marketing

A Guide to Affiliate Marketing

Affiliate marketing is a type of performance-based marketing in which an online retailer pays commissions to its affiliates, who are usually bloggers or social media influencers. The store`s products are marketed through the affiliate site via either an internal link from the main page or a banner advert on the sidebar. Affiliates market their chosen product by promoting it on social media accounts and often offer discounts for customers as an incentive to purchase. Bloggers may also write reviews of products they have tried themselves, with affiliate links included in order to earn a commission if sales happen as a result of their review.

Affiliate marketing has been plagued with a bad reputation, but it`s now incorporated into the strategy of big-name companies like Apple and Macy’s. In 1994 some guy launched Amazon Associates Program; which set off an explosion in affiliate marketplaces all across the internet for years to come.

What is considered by many as one of the longest-running programs today was introduced way back in 1996 when Jeff Bezos developed what would become known as the Amazon Associates Program (AAP).


Is Affiliate Marketing Real?

The myth that affiliate marketing is a scam or offers a low-value source of traffic and sales is simply not true. The reality is that there are many high-value programs out there, but they all depend on the size, reputation, management style/skillset of those running it as well as their willingness to invest time in understanding what works best for them.

What does it take to be an affiliate marketer? I’ve seen the industry from all angles: as a freelancer, in-house manager of Shopify`s affiliate program and even with my own failed attempts at launching successful campaigns. Today, I want to put this knowledge into action for you by walking through what it takes to enter the world of affiliate marketing — starting with how different types of marketers exist today and where you can get started.

Ever since I first started working with a marketing program, it`s been clear to me that affiliate marketing is an excellent way for businesses to quickly expand their reach and acquire new customers.

Affiliate marketing is a customer acquisition channel that has proven to be both effective and problematic. Some people still think the word “affiliate” sounds like dirty language, which it once was in some cases due to black hat methods such as cookie stuffing or trademark infringement.

Brands that wanted to see the true value of their affiliate programs had an issue. They couldn’t tell if all the affiliates generating traffic were just milking them for money or actually helping with sales. Many brands found that more and more sites, such as content-driven websites, are taking over in terms of performance; this is due largely to reviews and ratings becoming better recognized on these types of pages than they ever have been before. Brands need not worry about neglecting their affiliate program now though. Modern-day affiliates offer much higher values when it comes down to traffic quality because many attention-grabbing ads no longer work as well anymore – a sign that people nowadays are smarter than what marketing advertisements would lead you to believe.


How Affiliate Marketing Works Today

Affiliate marketing has been around for a while now, but it`s only recently that some of the most prominent advancements in technology have made this industry more accessible to pretty much everyone. The rise of social media and self-publishing tools means there is almost no limit on who can become an affiliate.

Campaign tracking tools are more robust, allowing better decision-making and supporting a wider variety of promotional methods. In addition to standard online sales tracking, you can also track referrals by phone or in-store purchases stemming from an affiliate`s referral across multiple devices. Transparency is now commonplace and expected – driving stronger white hat practices amongst affiliates who want their reputation protected; there are plenty of options for products, services and subscriptions to promote with all niches represented in the modern-day marketer’s repertoire.


Affiliate marketing is a legitimate and lucrative career option, but you have to know the right way. The lesson I want to stress most for those of you who are just getting started out in this industry is that it`s worth your time as there are many reputable programs with low barriers-to-entry which can help get generate consistent revenue streams. What`re you waiting for? You should try affiliate marketing today.